
TV, Movie 에 사용된 폰트 모음

쑤컷. 2009. 1. 22. 16:08
  1. The 4400 Font - Compacta SB Black
    The 4400 Font
  2. American Idol Font - Kaufmann D Bold
    American Idol Font
  3. Band Of Brothers Font - Compacta SB Regular
    Band Of Brothers Font
  4. Batman Begins Font - Arial Black
    Batman Begins Movie Font
  5. Bewitched Font - Cellini Titling TF
    Bewitched Font
  6. Birth Font - ITC Edwardian Script
    Birth Movie Font
  7. Blow Font - Folio SB Extra Bold
    Blow Movie Font
  8. Capote Font - Trixie-Text
    Capote Font
  9. Cars Font - Magneto Bold Extended
    Cars Font
  10. Casino Royale Font - Century Gothic
    Casino Royale Font
  11. Closer Font - Gill Sans Light
    Closer Movie Font
  12. Crimson Tide Font - Franklin Gothic Extra Condensed
    Crimson Tide Font
  13. Dharma & Greg Font - Dogma Script Bold
    Dharma & Greg Font
  14. The Day After Tomorrow Font - Bank Gothic Medium
    The Day After Tomorrow Movie Font
  15. De-Lovely Font - Plaza Regular
    De-Lovely Movie Font
  16. Desperate Housewives Font - Linoscript
    Desperate Housewives Font
  17. Dodgeball Font - Gill Sans Ultra Bold
  18. EraserHead Font - ITC Serif Gothic Black
    EraserHead Movie Font
  19. Eyes Wide Shut Font - Futura EF Extra Bold
    Eyes Wide Shut Movie Font
  20. Face/Off Font - Futura Light
    Face/Off Movie Font
  21. The Forgotten Font - DIN 1451 Engschrift
    The Forgotten Movie Font
  22. Forrest Gump Font - ITC Fenice Light
    Forrest Gump Movie Font
  23. Gone With The Wind Font - Egyptian Condensed Bold
    Gone with the Wind Movie Font
  24. GoodFellas Font - Bodoni RRCondensed Black
    Goodfellas Movie Font
  25. Groundhog Day Font - Futura Extra Black
    Groundhog Day Movie Font
  26. Hollow Man Font - Futura-SH Book
    Hollow Man Font
  27. Identity Font - Trajan Bold
    Identity Movie Font
  28. The Italian Job Font - Univers 49 Light Ultra Condensed
    The Italian Job Movie Font
  29. Jeepers Creepers Fonts - Grenoway
    Jeepers Creepers Movie Font
  30. The Karate Kid - News701 BT Bold
    The Karate Kid Movie Font
  31. Kill Bill Font - Impact
    Kill Bill Movie Font
  32. Kingdom Of Heaven Font - Eva SG Antiqua Hv
    Kingdom of Heaven Font
  33. The Last Samurai Font - Trajan
    The Last Samurai Movie Font
  34. Lethal Weapon Font - Serpentine Bold Oblique
    Lethal Weapon Movie Font
  35. Lost Font - Impact T
    Lost Tv Series Font
  36. Lost In Translation Font - Kabel Heavy
    Lost In Translation Movie Font
  37. The Machinist Font - Bank Gothic Light
    The Mochinist Movie Font
  38. Man On Fire Font - Didot
    Man On Fire Movie Font
  39. The Mummy Font - Trajan Regular
    The Mummy Font
  40. My Name Is Earl Font - Compacta SB-Black
    My Name Is Earl Font
  41. Mystic River Font - Arial Black
    Mystic River Movie Font
  42. MythBusters Font - FF Confidential
    Mythbusters TV Show Font
  43. The OC - Geometric 706 Black
    The OC Font
  44. The Peacemaker Font - Compacta-SH Bold Italic
    The Peacemaker Font
  45. The Phantom Of The Opera Font - P22 Cezanne Regular
    The Phantom Of The Opera Font
  46. Poseidon Font - Helvetica Black
    Poseidon Font
  47. Prison Break Font - AG Book Stencil BQ-Medium
    Prison Break Font
  48. Pulp Fiction Font - Aachen Bold
    Pulp Fiction Movie Font
  49. Pulp Fiction Font - Reporter #2
    Pulp Fiction Font
  50. Rain Man Font - Caslon 540 Roman
    Rain Man Movie Font
  51. Saw Font - Glue Regular
    Saw Movie Font
  52. Scarface Font - Birch
    Scarface Movie Font
  53. The Scorpion King Font- Compacta LET
    The Scorpion King Font
  54. Sense And Sensibility Font - Felix MT Regular
    Sense And Sensibility Font
  55. The Shawshank Redemption Font - Wade Sans Light
    The Shawshank Redemption Movie Font
  56. Show Girls Font - Arquitectura
    Show Girls Movie Font
  57. The Silence of the Lambs Font - Industria Solid
    Silence of the Lambs Movie Font
  58. Spiderman Font - Mata
    Spiderman Movie Font
  59. The Terminal Font - Futura
    The Terminal Movie Font
  60. That 70's Show Font - Arnold Boecklin
    That 70's Show Font
  61. Tombstone Font - Mesquite
    Tombstone Movie Font
  62. Trainspotting Font - Helvetica
    Trainspotting Movie Font
  63. Troy Font - Mason Serif Super
    Troy Movie Font
  64. The Untouchables Font - Perpetua
    The Untouchables Movie Font
  65. The Village Font -Trajan
    The Village Movie Font
  66. War of the Worlds Font - Perpetua
    War of the Worlds Movie Font
  67. X-MEN Font - Eurostile T Black Extended
    X-Men Font

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    Music/Band fonts

  68. Creed Band Font - Mason Serif Regular
    Creed Band Font
  69. Eminem - Bank Gothic Medium
    Eminem Font
  70. Firehouse Font - Copperplate Gothic
    Firehouse Band Font
  71. Godsmack Font - Abaddon
    Godsmack Band Font
  72. Sepultura Font - Caslon Antique

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    Games-related fonts

  73. Mafia Font - Aurora Bold Condensed
    Mafia Game Font
  74. Worms Font - Stencil Antiqua EF Regular
    Worms Font
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  75. Adidas Font - ITC Avant Garde Gothic Medium
    Adidas Font
  76. Adobe Font - Minion Regular
    Adobe Font
  77. Amazon.com Font- ITC Officina Sans Book
    Amazon.com font
  78. Budweiser Font - Brew Master Modern
    Budweiser Font
  79. Dunkin' Donuts Font - Frankfurter
    Dunkin' Donuts Font
  80. ebaY Font - Various Styles of Univers 67
    Ebay Font
  81. ESP Guitars Font - Geometric Stencil
    ESP Guitars Font
  82. Estee Lauder Font - Optima
    Estee Lauder
  83. French Connection U.K. fcuk Font - Eurostile
    fcuk Font
  84. GAP Font - Spire Regular
    GAP Font
  85. Google Font - Catull BQ Regular
    Google Font
  86. Got Milk? Font - Phenix American
    Got Milk Font
  87. Hustler Magazine Font - Futura SH Demi Bold
    Hustler Magazine Font
  88. Mobil Font - ITC Avant Garde Gothic Bold
    Mobil Font
  89. Myspace.com Font - Arial MT Rounded Bold
    Myspace.com Font
  90. PIXAR Animation Studios Font - Charlemagne Bold
  91. Real Madrid Jersey Font - Peignot D Medium
    Real Madrid Jersey Font
  92. The Shadow Comic Book Font - Lucida Sans Bold Italic
    The Shadow Font
  93. Zend PHP Company Font - Broadband ICG
    Zend Font

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